Purpose of consultancy:
The UNFPA APRO is recruiting two individual consultants the Team Leader and the Team Member, to conduct the Evaluation of the Advocacy Efforts of the 2018-2021 Asia and the Pacific Regional Interventions Action Plan (RIAP). The evaluation will assess progress on results of regional advocacy efforts achieved during the first 2.5 years of the action plan and provide evidence about the relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability of advocacy efforts to suggest possible adjustments for the remaining period of the RIAP implementation and to inform the design of the next RIAP.
Scope of work:
The evaluation aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
1) Review the effectiveness of the RIAP advocacy efforts in influencing regional policies/frameworks for positioning ICPD in the region, and in supporting COs to achieve results at the national level, and support national positions and regional and global levels. Analyze accelerators, barriers and opportunities in the implementation of RIAP advocacy interventions and achievement of the intended and unintended results, for learning and developing increasingly effective advocacy strategies and tactics in the future programming.
2) Analyze APRO’s added value and comparative advantage in: i) responding to emerging issues and priorities of countries in the Asia and the Pacific region, especially ensuring the rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized, that require addressing national policies and legal regulatory environment, ii) developing, facilitating and convening strategic regional partnerships for ICPD advocacy, and iii) strategic evidence-based communication and negotiations to influence stakeholders for the advancement of national policies and legal frameworks.
3) Assess the sustainability of results in policy advocacy in the long term.
The following preliminary evaluation questions are proposed under three evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability. This list will have to be fine-tuned in the design phase, while developing a comprehensive analytical framework for the evaluation
- To what extent the RIAP advocacy efforts were tailored to priorities and emerging needs in the region across the development-humanitarian-peace nexus and were receptive of political, economic, social and environmental contexts in the region?
- What were the contributions of RIAP advocacy interventions in achieving the RIAP results and advancement of ICPD issues in the region? What were the unintended effects of RIAP advocacy interventions?
- What factors and interrelationships (e.g. partnerships, leadership role in inter-agency efforts, knowledge base and evidence/research, communications, funding, coordination, technical capacity, public perceptions) contributed, hindered or created opportunities to achieve the intended and unintended results through policy advocacy and influencing?
- How effectively were gender, human rights and equity mainstreamed in the RIAP advocacy efforts to contribute to desired changes in national policies and legal frameworks?
- What is the likelihood of the political commitment (financial commitments, reflection of international norms and standards in national policies and legal frameworks, strengthened institutional and structural capacities for their implementation) achieved through RIAP advocacy efforts will be sustained and/or scaled up in the region?
The following outputs are expected from the consultants:
Design report
The consultants will draft the design report in response to the ToR and is informed by a comprehensive desk review of relevant documents and a set of preliminary interviews. The purpose of the design report is to develop a detailed methodology for the evaluation, including, but necessarily limited to the following aspects: develop a comprehensive evaluation analytical framework/matrix, identify data gaps to be fulfilled in the next phase, design interview guides and a survey instrument. The design report is expected to be finalized by the Evaluators with inputs from the Evaluation Reference Group and approved by the APRO.
Draft and final evaluation reports
Preliminary findings will be validated remotely by ERG and APRO at the end of the field phase. Draft evaluation reports will be reviewed by ERG and APRO.
Duration and working schedule:
The evaluation team will consist of two international consultants: A Team Leader and a Team Member. The Team Member is expected to work 35 work days during a period of July – December of 2020.
Place where services are to be delivered:
All phases of the evaluation will be conducted remotely and no travel will be required.
Delivery dates and how work will be delivered:
· The design report will be submitted to APRO electronically by 18 August, 2020.
· The first draft evaluation report will be submitted electronically by 23 October and the 2nd draft report – by 13 November, 2020
· The final evaluation report is expected to be submitted electronically by 10 December, 2020
Payment will be made as a lump sum upon completion of the assignment and acceptance of all the deliverables by UNFPA to each individual consultant.
Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:
The APRO M&E Adviser, under the supervision of the Regional Director and the Deputy Regional Director, will monitor the progress and ensure quality assurance of deliverables as per the evaluation TOR. The deadlines are indicated in the previous section.
Supervisory arrangements:
APRO M&E Advisor will manage both consultants, under the supervision of the Regional Director and the Deputy Regional Director.
Expected travel:
No travel is expected.
Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:
Education: Advanced degree in evaluation, development studies, public health, population and gender studies or any other social science fields
Experience: •
· A minimum of 7 years’ professional experience in evaluation of complex programmes/projects, including policy advocacy programmes/projects
· Prior experience of applying qualitative data generation and analysis methods in evaluations
· Prior experience of using a retrospective case study approach in evaluations is desirable
· Familiarity with UNFPA’s mandate areas
· Professional experience in the Asia and the Pacific region
Language: A high level of proficiency in oral and written English
Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner:
The consultant will be provided with necessary documents related to RIAP and the stakeholder list with contact details to support the evaluation process.
Other relevant information or special conditions
Please see more details of scope of work from the link https://asiapacific.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/vacancies/tor_evaluation_of_riap_advocacy_efforts.docx
How to apply:
Candidates should submit the following documents:
• P11
• CV
• At least two references
• Requested daily rate along with copies of previous contracts to support the daily rate requested
All the above documents must be sent by e-mail to vac-robangkok@unfpa.org.
The P11 is available on the UNFPA websites at https://www.unfpa.org/resources/p11-un-personal-history-form
Please quote the Vacancy number JID 2006 UNFPA APRO. The deadline for application is 19 July 2020 Bangkok time.
UNFPA will only be able to respond to those applications in whom UNFPA has a further interest.
UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, respect for diversity, integrity and a healthy balance of work and life. We are committed to maintaining our balances gender distribution and therefore encourage women to apply.Notice: There is no application, processing or other fee at any stage of the application process. UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status.